Thursday, June 28, 2007

Upcoming Post Ideas

One more before I hit the sack tonight. I've been thinking of what posts to write heading into the All-Star Break--since I do the whole Hindsight Foresight thing every week, I'll leave the July 9th post for the Hindsight/Foresight mid way through the Yankees season.

During the break, I'd like to look at some potential trades the Yankees may make, but that'll be pure guesswork. I haven't heard a whole lot, except for at firstbase, but I'll save if for the break.

Also, I want to turn more of my attention to baseball as a whole--maybe Doug will take some of these on, but my thoughts approaching the AS break are to:

1. Write posts looking at teams--who's a suprise, who's not, who's on par and what could we expect in the second half. This will be two posts, one about the AL and the other the NL.
2. Just like teams, looking at specific players, maybe broken down by position--any fluke seasons, who's underperforming, 1st half comeback players of the year, and prediction wise--who's likely to pick it up in the second half?
3. Finally, a look back on this past offseason's big contracts (that means you Zito and Meche). How are they working out so far?

This is a lot of work, but other than my fantasy teams, I haven't been doing as good a job of looking at other players stats besides that of the Yankees and Red Sox.

Time to get that internet connection Doug.

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