Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Bad to Worse...

Yes, I took a 3-day weekend, immediately after calling Teddy out for doing the same. I would like to say that I had the excuse that my team embarassed themselves - and seem to be in the process of doing the same on their West Coast swing.

I also want to mention that the Red Sox (despite losing 4 of their last 5) still have the best record in baseball. I mention this mainly because I might not be able to say so much longer...

Last week started out promisingly enough for the Sox - completing a sweep of the Rangers, taking the first 2 out of 3 from the Indians, but from Wednesday on, it was all thud. Paul Byrd derailed them Wednesday, and then the Yankees' series stared. Wake was awful (I'm aware of at least 6 BBs, 2 Passed Balls, and a Wild Pitch - I don't really feel the need to clarify the stats further). Saturday night was saved by Joe Torre's collosal brain fart (which is to say, the decision to bring Proctor in) and A-Fraud taking time out from canoodling with strippers who aren't his wife (as opposed to Damon, who is married to an ex-stripper) to apply a little kryptonite to Jon Papelbon was just the nail in the coffin.

I haven't even gone into all the details of the A's game last night - I just know that the Sox lost a very winnable game.

The Billy Beane A's have always been a pesky team, and right now I'm thinking that I'll just be content with a split. Then it's on to the 34-24 Diamondbacks - with Brandon Webb, a resurgent Big Unit, and a cast of good young bats.

Even in '04 the Sox suffered through a 3-month stretch of .500 ball, and I think the next two months is where they'll be at their most mediocre. I don't have any doubt that there will be a real race between the Sox and the Yankees come August and September, when we'll next have to assess a Sox-Yankees matchup.

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