Monday, August 20, 2007

Hindsight and Foresight: Yankees Review August 13th to August 26th

It was great to be back at Yankee Stadium this weekend. One because it seems having only been to two games this year I got to see Roger Clemens announce he was coming back at the first and he pitched well at the second. But more importantly I went to the game with my Dad who hadn't been to the Stadium in years and enjoyed it. My Dad took me to my first Yankee's game when I was seven, and it might be his last time there, so it was good to hang out with him.

The Yankees hit a bit of a skid this week, but recovered nicely against Detroit at home. The upcoming schedule is rough as they head to Anaheim or Los Angeles or California or wherever the Angels are these days and Detroit. They Yankees are 4.5 games behind and we're setting the Rivalry clock down here to 8 days, which is when Boston heads to NY.

Hindsight: August 13th to August 19th
The Orioles have given the Yankees trouble all season and that continued--they are now 4-8 against them this season. Jeff Karstens was rocked on Tuesday to a 12-0 loss where Daniel Cabrera uncharacteristically blanked the Yanks. More problems occured for Mo Rivera the next day. After having been shutout for 17 innings straight, Shelly Duncan was clutch and tied the game at 3-3 in the bottom of the ninth. But Rivera came in gave up a RBI double and a two run homer to lose it. Verlander then stopped up the Yankees offense the next night, but after that the Yankees took the series against the Tigers handidly with pitching gems by Pettitte, Clemens and Wang. Rivera dominated on Saturday for his 20th save.

Weekly Stats

W-L: 4-3
RS/RA: 35/38
Offensive Nubmers (BA/OBP/SLG): .295/.375/.436
Pitching Line (ERA/Whip/K per 9/BAA/SLG): 4.99/1.40/6.60/.283/.437

Who's Hot: Bobby Abreu hit well this week adding 3 HRs to his total.

Who's Not: Mariano Rivera. It's hard to put his name in there, but he blew the lead twice this week and didn't look good until Saturday.

My Yankee of the Week: Kyle Farnsworth. Yeah, here's why. He came into Saturday's game to boos and I figured the Tigers would just come back to tie it. But he ended up having a one-two-three inning, striking out Magglio Ordonez and Gary Sheffield back to back, leaving to cheers.

Foresight: August 20th to August 26th
The other Yankee's rival since 2002 welcomes them to Cali and then another four game series up in Detroit. Yankees fans got their boos in for Sheffield this past weekend and I'm sure Detroit will hear it from the east coast. There will be a great matchup on Saturday with Wang going against Bonderman. This past week the Yankees offense snoozed a bit, nearly getting shut out two games in a row and Rivera struggled. But this seems like a bump in a road. This next week will show the Yankees why they are at 70-54 as they play two top teams in the AL.